
Today was shortish but it felt really long. We trudged through slush next to a river for what seemed like forever. We passed the tents and hammock of DB and his group that had gone up Whitney.

We got to camp around 12 and set up our tents in the SNOW. My very first snow camping experience of the trip. I took a nap in my tent which basically turned into a sauna. Due to the reflective-ness of the snow and the sun still being out for hours it was extremely hot.

I had the time so I brushed my hair for the first time in a week…. It was not a pleasant experience. I currently have the largest wad of hair that i pulled out of my comb and gathered from around my tent sitting in my garbage baggie and its pretty gross. 

Kind of getting worried about whether or not I will have enough food to make it to Independence but I think I should just make it if I diligently ration. My least favorite thing.


Mt. Whitney

