Crater Lake
We got to crater lake! I honestly didn't think I would make it. This morning I was so dehydrated and there were absolutely no water sources anywhere to be found. At one point I ended up sitting down on a patch of snow and making a slushy with my water flavors and eating that. It was a tough morning until that point. A mile or so before the road to Crater Lake FP and I met a couple on a day hike and they offered to drive us down to the village. Yay! The actual PCT was closed due to a forest fire so we opted to take the rim trail instead (we would have done that instead anyways).
When FP, DW, Mozart and I were charging our phones at the village that is not on the rim (I am completely blanking on the name) we went to the restaurant and ate lunch and waited for Sean. We waited forever until I finally said enough and suggested we go to the Rim Village where he might have gone instead. Apparently, something got lost in translation and Sean ended up way in front of us and we lost track of him for a few nights.
We met a hiker named Simba <3 and we ended up sleeping on the Rim overlooking the crater because it got really late and the fire was making it snow ash all over the place so we decided to stay put rather than risk getting stuck at night because we were not sure if the trail would close because of the fires. DO NOT DO THIS! Camping on the Rim Trail is not allowed and I felt awful about it the whole time. DO NOT DO IT. Its also really dusty so its not very pleasant anyways.