Mt. San Jacinto

Waking up late was wonderful. I was able to cut my nails and get all my gear organized before K was even up. The first half of the day we went a total of 3 miles on the trail. Finding the trail in the snow was not an easy task.

It’s becoming increasingly more and more difficult to find motivation to write at night after walking all day.

The first half of today was dedicated to finding the three miles of trail (as I just mentioned) that had been covered in snow. After we successfully got passed that we had a long lunch and then started on a stretch of trail that was all down hill. Literally. For the first 10 or 11 miles I was feeling great and wished the entire trail was like this but towards the end of the day I would have much rather been doing anything else but standing on my feet. At the beginning of the day 5 miles sounds like a breeze but at the end, the last 5 miles can feel like they take the entire day. So, as I was literally decreasing my altitude, everything else was figuratively going down hill as well. My mental and emotional state started to go into very negative places and my feet probably would have liked to detach themselves from my body and give me a good kick in the behind if they could. After a few good tears were shed, I passed some familiar looking tools that are used to maintain the trail. I smiled. A little. And then I saw DB walking into the camp we were planning on staying at below me. I finally saw the end! I basically ran to get there before the sun’s light had completely faded out to put my tent up.

Just this morning I was up on that mountain!

200 miles!! 10 days!! Woohoo!! It’s crazy to think that my shoes have already lived almost 2/5ths(ish) of their life span in only 10 days…



