August 23
Even though I was scared out of my mind that mice would crawl over my face while I was asleep I am really glad we slept in the cabin (Hula found one in his sleeping bag in the morning). It was really dewy when we walked outside this morning and the people who opted to sleep outside did not look very happy about their wet tents. It was pretty cold.
The scenery today was stunning half the time and the other half was still great but very tree tunnel like. I had a rough time from the lingering thoughts from yesterday, but I was able to find a bar in my pack when I took lunch by myself and talked to A for a bit. I just had to remind myself that Snoqualmie is tomorrow (not that was particularly helpful considering that meant I was one pass closer to the end of the trail but I get to see my fam so that outweighed the bad). We camped with Hula at the bottom of a hill where we would need to start our day with a climb which isn't bad especially since it gets us warmer quicker.
At the last minute I decided to put my rainfly on my tent because it looked as if it were going to rain.