Fire Lookout

I hiked 3 miles before I came to the turn off that would take me to a really nice lookout that I had been to before. I tricked FP into going that direction and just as he realized he wasn't on the PCT anymore, Sean and I caught up to him and we kept going that direction until we got to the lookout. They were not disappointed. We stayed up there for a while and ate some snacks then hiked back to the PCT to attempt to get to the road to Trout Lake.

Sean and FP found a lake that they swam in and drank water from it unfiltered even though there were little red bugs in it. blech

FP and I hitched into Trout Lake from the second road that we came across and met Sean in town (he hitched in from the third). DW and Fre were there already after somehow finding a ride from the first road (where the rest of us camped the night before) The general store let us camp outside on their lawn where we charged our phones and used their wifi. 




Gifford Pinchot