Ansel Adams Wilderness

Today we woke up and packed our gear up so that if anyone were to come down the trail they wouldn't find two giant tents in their way... We started off the day walking through a SNOWLESS stretch with a bunch of broken trees and it was absolutely beautiful! My standards at this point in time might only contain the criteria of not bright white but even if not it was completely different from anything we had come across so far so it was nice. 

We passed the turn off to Red's Meadow and AH had service so he talked to his fam. At one point we took a break and as he was talking I started bawling out of nowhere. Ya. Not my finest moment but he let me use it and FINALLY my mum picked up the phone. The home sickness is real today and the going is really slow which is not helping take my mind off of it.

A lot of today was actually not in snow which was nice and we were able to contact P and let him know that we were surviving. 

We camped off of snow and had a magnificent view of the sunset. AND the moment I was about to denounce T-Mobile forever I actually got service probably the moment I needed the fam's moral support the most to get me to Yosemite.


Island and Donahue Pass


Trail Sleeping